An important part of an apple is the vitamins it contains. Vitamin C is the most highly concentrated in apples. Two to three apples a day cover half of the daily require- ments of this turbo vitamin. A balanced diet containing lots of fruit is important for the growth of our children.

A medium to large fruit with bright red flamed skin and crunchy flesh. Juicy, sweet-tasting with balanced acidity, powerful and aromatic. Rebella is ripe for picking from early to mid-September. It is a highly robust, multiple-resistant early autumn variety. Rebella is resistant to scab, mildew, fire blight, bacterial leaf blight, spider mites and aphids. It is also insensitive to late and winter frosts. This allows for a considerable reduction in crop and frost protection, which in turn protects the environment and reduces the CO2 load in the production process.

Modì® is unique and matchless! Eco-friendly, young, contemporary and informal: Modì® is the first red apple with a hint of yellow and a modern taste that enacts the perfect balance between sweetness and acidity, crunchiness and juiciness.

Evelina® sets new standards thanks to its true quality, always scoring top marks in various blind taste tests. Strict quality management, clearly defined quality standards and cultivation in the finest orchards in numerous countries ensure that consumers can always rely on the tried-and-tested quality of Evelina®. Sweet, with light acidic undertones. Aromatic and juicy. Conical fruit shape.
Sweet Resistance Fujion

Similar to Fuji with an intense red colour and well-defined stripes over almost the entire surface. The flesh is crispy, juicy and intensely sweet.

Big, with a regular, rounded shape. Yellowish-green ground colour with striped red overcolour over 70-80% of the surface. The flesh is creamy, fine, crispy and juicy. The flavour is good, very sweet.
Sweet Resistance Smeralda

Medium-large with a smooth, uniform green colour. The fine, crispy, juicy,pleasant flesh is yellow with an excellent flavour, feeling fresh in the mouth because of its high sugar content and elevated acidity. The taste is similar to Granny Smith but sweeter and more fragrant.